welcome message

Dear Readers,

It is a great pleasure for us to share with you the 3nd Newsletter of the 4BIZ Project.

Based on the common effort of the experts from the countries of our region, two reference documents for the promotion of Blue Growth Initiative in the Black Sea Region were issued in 2019 as Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for Blue Growth in the Black Sea Region and the Common Maritime Agenda. In the two documents, the low performance of the business sector, particularly SMEs and start-ups, is highlighted in the detailed analysis of the poor development of the Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region.

The 4BIZ Project Consortium, includes 9 project partners and 17 associated partners from Romania, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Turkey, Georgia and Ukraine, together with their stakeholders, plan to develop a unique set of activities to support SMEs and start-ups specialized on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal and Maritime tourism and Maritime transport that is covering all the signatory states of the CMA.

During your lecture, we hope that you will envisage this newsletter as a springboard for your ideas about how we can creatively join our efforts for boosting innovation, digitalization and investment in the Black Sea Blue Economy!

Please do not hesitate to send us your comments, suggestions and your remarks on the above mentioned topics.

Warmly, 4BIZ team

Success stories

BLACK SEA CRUISE Sustainable Small-scale Cruising/Yachting

The BLACK SEA CRUISE Project aimed to analyze the state of play and environmental and socio-economic potential for novel small-scale boating models, in order to support, through a final set of recommendations, the sustainable development of the activity in the Black Sea region. 

The final report of the project was published in March 2023 and includes key results and recommendations for the sustainable development of the small-scale cruising, yachting and sailing in the Black Sea. The BLACK SEA CRUISE Project ran under the coordination of the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) in cooperation with local and regional partners. It was co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Contract ENI/2020/421-957, coordinated by the BSEC PERMIS

GALERA 07 Ltd – Bulgarian blue economy enterprise

GALERA 07 Ltd – Bulgarian blue economy enterprise. We are glad to present to you a Bulgarian ship building company located in Varna and unique in its kind in the region. GALERA 07 Ltd. was founded in 2007 and specialized since in the construction of innovative eco-friendly solar powered and electrical catamarans, pleasure crafts and service ships. GALERA 07 Ltd. is one of the leading low-tonnage shipbuilding companies in Bulgaria and the Black Sea region. A number of projects have been completed so far in its shipbuilding portfolio: fishing vessels, multipurpose speedboats, catamarans. The company also participated in the construction of merchant ships, floating cranes, tugboats and more.

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Prof. Dr. Eden Mamut, General Secretary of the Network of Black Sea Universities, coordinator of the 4BIZ project, took part in the conference “Integration of Ukraine into the European Maritime Community”, which took place on May 25, 2023, as part of the celebration of the European Maritime Day. The event was held with the support of the EU4BUSINESS program in Mykolaiv and brought together organizations and institutions working in the maritime industry, including representatives of shipbuilding and ship repair, shipping, ports, logistics, marine technologies, related industries, as well as experts, politicians and stakeholders from various regions They discussed the challenges and opportunities of Ukraine’s integration into the European Maritime Community.

During direct inclusion, the coordinator was in Brest, France, where he presented the 4BIZ project at the exhibition dedicated to the European Maritime Day, however, was able to spare time and join the event organized by the Ukrainian partner of the project, the Public Union “Ukrainian Maritime Cluster”.

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June16 was held workshop on “Boosting Blue Biz in Aquaculture & Fisheries in the Black Sea Region”, which was organized as part of the project 4BIZ “Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea”

– This event is another approach to boost interest and focus on entrepreneurs, managers, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises. We will focus on three main areas: aquaculture and fisheries, maritime transport and coastal and marine tourism. But we are also trying to find the horizon for these three sectors. We shall also have meeting dedicated to this. And, of course, there are many other topics that the business community will consider at it. This is a watershed moment in our region and in Europe at the moment, dedicated to this activity, – said Prof. Eden MAMUT, 4BIZ Project Coordinator.

At this event invited keynote speaker was Dr. Jean-Michel POMMET, project “ZENI” (Zero Nitrate!) Founder and Business Development Director (France). He present arguments, regarding the need “urgent to take concrete action against the second environmental catastrophe – the death of water”. In support of his words, he cited the following facts: 70 million tons/year global flow of nitrogen and phosphorus released into water (around 2 million truckloads!); more than 60% coastline at risk (78 of US coastal water and 65% European Atlantic coastal waters show worrying symptoms of eutrophication: less than 7 years according to a United Nation report, we face to a 40% risk of freshwater shortage, by 2030.

“The best solution what we see is microalgae, which can clean of water”, – said Dr. Jean-Michel POMMET.

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On July 14, 2023, the Romanian National Secretariat of the Black Sea Universities Network – SNR RUMN organized the Workshop on “Boosting Blue Biz in the Coastal and Maritime Tourism in the Black Sea Region”.

The event was attended by Prof. Gabriela ȚIGU, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Tourism within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, dr. ec. Emanuela ANTON, Manager, Travel Agency “” and Prof. Ertuğ DÜZGÜNEŞ, Technical University of Trabzon, Turkey. The discussions were moderated by Mr. Mehmet BOZDOGAN, Department Director at DOKA Regional Development Agency in Trabzon, Turkey.

The workshop, which was organized in online format, was attended by businessmen and specialists from Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.

The event was organized under the aegis of the project 4BIZ – Boosting Black Sea Blue Biz, Contract No. 101077576, funded by the European Union through the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA), within the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Programme.

Science-Policy Dialogue Forum for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea

 The Science – Policy Dialogue Forum for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea was held successfully in Thessaloniki (Greece), on 29 March 2023, organized by the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), under the Horizon 2020-funded BRIDGE – BS project.

The Science – Policy Dialogue Forumbrought together scientists and policy stakeholders to exchange on key cross-cutting issues in blue economy sectors in the Black Sea. Special emphasis was placed on establishing a science-policy synergy that will facilitate a continuous two-way exchange and further follow-up actions.

The event was developed in three rounds of thematic Working Groups (WGs) of moderated discussions, focusing on i) multistressors on the Black Sea ecosystem, ii) innovation & entrepreneurship, iii) ocean literacy, capacity building & skills, enabling an interactive, constructive dialogue based on actual needs and priorities.

The BRIDGE-BS project involves 31 partners from the Black Sea countries, EU/MS and regional organizations, coordinated by the Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences (METU IMS), Türkiye, and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101000240.


On July 21, 2023, during the work of the first day of the Summit for sustainable development in coastal areas in Burgas Blue Summit and Innovation Expo, in Bulgaria, took place the official signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Network of Black Sea Universities and the City Hall of Burgas, representing the 4BIZ Project Consortium – Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region by Initiating a Business Collaborative Framework in the fields of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal and Maritime Tourism and Maritime Transport, and respectively DBAN – Digital Blue economy and innovation Acceleration Network .

From the Romanian side, on behalf of the 4BIZ Project Consortium, the Memorandum was signed by Mr. Prof. Dr. Eden MAMUT, Secretary General of the Network of Black Sea Universities and coordinator of the 4BIZ project, and on behalf of the DBAN Project by Mrs. Vesna BALTINA, Vice-Mayor of the Municipality of Burgas and coordinator of the DBAN project.

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BRIDGE-BS: Black Sea Accelerator now open for applications!

The Black Sea Accelerator,facilitated by BRIDGE-BS and DOORS Black Sea projects, aims to transform science into future business opportunities to provide services and support initiatives to foster a sustainable, innovative and circular blue economy.

What: The Accelerator supports scaling up of sustainable businesses operating in Blue Economy across Black Sea by offering market analysis, host pitching, and matchmaking opportunities.

Who: Black Sea-based eligible organizations such as companies, start-ups, organizations, and universities, but the program also welcomes non-regional applicants interested in extending their solutions in the region.

Services: Both established (market-ready) and emerging solutions are eligible. Discover more information here. Application form (open until 31 October 2023) here. Moreover, in order to introduce the Black Sea Accelerator, a joint online launch event will be held on July 3rd at 10-11 CET providing further information. Do not hesitate to register here!

ICBSS is a core partner of the BRIDGE-BS project leading WP8 on science-policy dialogue. 


On October 24-27, 2023 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the 12th edition of the Festival of Innovation Projects “Sikorsky Challenge” will be held.

The Program of the Festival-2023 will be rich and varied. The 4BIZ project makes the notable contribution to it. In particular, for the first time, the “blue economy” (Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal and Maritime Tourism, and Maritime Transport) is included to the subject areas of the Festival. A special section of the Festival will be dedicated to the 4BIZ project (preliminary on the second day of the Festival, October 25). The section’s work program will include the following:

  • Presentation of the 4BIZ project,
  • Thematic panel discussion(s) (topic(s) and participants t.b.d.),
  • Competition of innovative startup projects aimed at the development of the “blue economy” in the Black see region.

Students, graduate students, entrepreneurs, scientists and employees of higher educational institutions and research institutions, as well as other people from all regions of Ukraine and foreign countries can submit applications for participation in the Competition.

We invite all interested people from the 4BIZ consortium countries to take part in the Competition of innovative startup projects “Sikorsky Challenge”-2023 and to present their projects at one of the most important annual events in the field of innovation in Ukraine.

The Regulations on the Competition of Innovative Startup Projects “Sikorsky Challenge”-2023 are available at the link. To apply please follow the link

Deadline for applying is September 10, 2023

We invite interested highly qualified people from the 4BIZ consortium countries (researchers, entrepreneurs, managers, design engineers, etc. in various sectors of the “blue economy”) to join the Sikorsky Challenge expert community to participate in the evaluation and pre-selection of innovative projects and/or to evaluate the finalist projects in the blue economy section as a member of the International Jury (please register at the link).

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The conference takes place in Batumi, a vibrant coastal city in the southeast.

At this conference, EMSEA members, organizations and individuals that have been invaluable to marine education in the first decade, will share their expertise on marine education. In Batumi, we will establish a Black Sea Literacy Network, under the framework of BRIDGE-BS ( project. The goal is to bring together marine scientists, educators, companies involved in blue economy, ocean professionals, and anyone who is enthusiastic and curious about education on the Black Sea. The conference aims to showcase good education and training practices on improving knowledge on the marine environment, the blue economy and maritime careers. Moreover, it is an opportunity to network by facilitating a regional dialogue on Ocean Literacy in the Black Sea and with the wider EMSEA community.

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*This Project has received funding from the European Union’s European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) under Grant Agreement 101077576. **Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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