Boosting Blue Biz in Aquaculture & Fisheries in the Black Sea Region

June 16 was held workshop on “Boosting Blue Biz in Aquaculture & Fisheries in the Black Sea Region”, which was organised as part of the project 4BIZ “Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea”

«This event is another approach to boost interest and focus on entrepreneurs, managers, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises. We will focus on three main areas: aquaculture and fisheries, maritime transport and coastal and marine tourism. But we are also trying to find the horizon for these three sectors. We shall also have meeting dedicated to this. And, of course, there are many other topics that the business community will consider at it. This is a watershed moment in our region and in Europe at the moment, dedicated to this activity», – said Prof. Eden MAMUT, 4BIZ Project Coordinator.

At this event invited keynote speaker was Dr. Jean-Michel POMMET, project “ZENI” (Zero Nitrate!) Founder and Business Development Director (France). He present arguments, regarding the need “urgent to take concrete action against the second environmental catastrophe – the death of water”. In support of his words, he cited the following facts: 70 million tonns/year global flow of nitrogen and phosphorus released into water (around 2 million truckloads!); more than 60% coastline at risk (78 of US coastal water and 65% European Atlantic coastal waters show worrying symptoms of eutrophication:  less than 7 years according to a United Nation report, we face to a 40% risk of freshwater shortage, by 2030.

«The best solution what we see is microalgae, which can clean of water», – said Dr. Jean-Michel POMMET.

An example of a microalgae use cycle and potential results was also demonstrated.

Based on the results of Dr. Jean-Michel POMMET and the positive feedback from the participants of the event, the Prof. Eden MAMUT proposed to sign a memorandum of understanding between the 4BIZ project and “ZENI”, and take joint measures to preserve the oceans and seas.

Carla Leticia present International Federation for Sustainable Development and Fight to Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea (FISPMED). Aims of FISPMED is to Contribute to the social and civil increase, sustainable development of the Mediterranean and Black Sea; strengthen the critical ability to stimulate the planning and intellectual autonomy of the persons, so as to increase the knowledge of the exercise of their rights, the responsibility and the solidarity.

«Our approach is based on supporting citizen scientists or participatory scientists. This creates a bridge between scientists and society. We strongly believe, that any activity that engages on public or scientifically research has the potential to bring science, policy makers, society and other to hold together», – said Mrs Carla Leticia

More information about FISPMED you can find on web-site .

Mr. Mehmet BOZDOGAN, Eastern Black Sea Development Agency, Turkey informed about the development of aquaculture, fisheries and opportunities for the development of blue business in Turkey

«We are trying to promote social and economic development and contribute to the region’s economy. Both aquaculture and the blue economy are one of the priority areas in our regional development plan for the period 2024-2028», – he said.

He informed, that in the last 30 years the aquaculture sector has grown by 15% and Turkey ranked 3rd in the world after China and India. There are 2127 aquaculture facilities in country and 69% of aquaculture production takes place in the sea. Trout (Turkish salmon Rainbow Trout), sea bass and sea bream are species farmed in Turkey.  Many enterprises in this sector are very willing to share information, aware of the concept and principles of the Blue economy and want to grow in this area.

Scientists and business representatives from Romania, Turkey and Ukraine also took part.

The date and agenda of the next workshops will be announced in advance, so follow our resources and keep up to date with developments in the blue economy sector.

*This Project has received funding from the European Union’s European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) under Grant Agreement 101077576.

**Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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