Hanna Tiutiunnyк. PhD in Economics of nature use and environmental protection, Senior Researcher, Scientific secretary of the Department of Economic-Ecological Development of the SeaSide Regions SO «Institute of Market and Economic-Ecological Research NAS of Ukraine», UKRAINE ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4864-6129

The development of aquaculture in the modern world is becoming not only an important aspect of economic growth but also a key factor in ensuring sustainable development, particularly in Ukraine. Legal frameworks and spatial planning play a decisive role in creating favourable conditions for the effective functioning of the aquaculture sector. Ensuring transparency and stability in the business environment through the establishment of appropriate legal frameworks and the implementation of standards in Ukraine is a top priority. Identifying the species composition of aquaculture, regulating aquaculture tourism, and reducing negative environmental impact are important aspects of this process. Spatial planning, in turn, aims to shape and develop a rational aquaculture environment in the Ukrainian Black Sea region and Ukraine as a whole. The development of a state spatial planning program, taking into account the needs of the aquaculture sector and international standards, has significant potential to enhance the efficiency of the industry. Utilizing low-quality lands, establishing boundaries for aquaculture and tourism zones, and developing mechanisms for their interaction are key aspects of spatial planning. It is also important to implement a licensing and reporting system for aquaculture activities, taking into account international experience. Reducing negative environmental impact by considering ecological aspects in planning and organizing aquaculture innovations is also worth considering. Furthermore, the formation and implementation of an information strategy and scientific-educational development play a significant role in the development of the aquaculture industry. Providing access to information, developing educational programs, and enhancing personnel qualifications are important components of this process. The formation and implementation of an information strategy involve the detailed description of innovations, promotion through the media, and the development of digital tools [1, 2].

Ukraine, with its significant potential in the aquaculture and mariculture sectors, requires adequate financial mechanisms to stimulate the development of this sector. The use of the New Product Development (NPD) approach can significantly improve the situation in this area. Implementing a state support strategy, such as credit lines, compensation for construction and reconstruction costs, and tax holidays, has the potential to significantly improve the situation in this area and contribute to its development.

The state support and development strategy for aquaculture and mariculture complexes include:

1. Credit lines: Providing credit lines for the financing of construction, expansion, modernization, and equipment of aquaculture and mariculture enterprises. This will contribute to the growth of production volumes and the competitiveness of the industry.

2. Partial compensation for the cost of construction and reconstruction: Providing support for the construction and reconstruction of farms, the implementation of innovations, and the construction of closed systems for fish farming. This will contribute to increased productivity and product quality.

3. Compensation for the volume of production: Providing compensation for the volume of production will stimulate the development of aquaculture enterprises and increase their contribution to the country’s economy.

4. Tax holidays for newly created aquaculture and mariculture farms: Providing tax incentives for the initial period of operation to enterprises developing aquaculture will promote investment and increase their competitive potential.

 Expanding opportunities include:

1.Meeting market needs from traditional markets to online shopping: Stimulating productivity and product quality, expanding online sales channels, and supporting new products will contribute to expanding market outlets for aquaculture enterprises.

2. Balancing current costs and benefits: Integrating science and business, using organic waste, and developing new feed sources will reduce costs and increase production efficiency.

3. Reducing high dependence on expensive technologies: Using energyefficient technologies and alternative energy sources, as well as applying more affordable sensors and aerators, will help reduce costs and dependence on imported technologies [3, 4].

In light of the growing importance of aquaculture for global food security, it is necessary to implement effective incentive mechanisms to attract investment and promote innovation. This can be achieved through creating incentives for consumers, developing tourism and recreation, as well as establishing partnerships and strengthening the biosafety system.


[1] On the approval of the Strategy for the development of the fishing industry of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 and the approval of the operational plan of measures for its implementation in 2023-2025: Order. of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 2, 2023 No. 402 Official Gazette of Ukraine. 2023. May 19. P. 219. URL:р#n283.

 [2] Iermakova O., Mushka D. (2023). Organizational and economic mechanisms of attracting investments in the aquaculture sector. Economic Innovations, 25(3(88), 93-101. Retrieved from

[3] FAO. 2021. GFCM 2030 Strategy for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Rome. URL:

[4] Tiutiunnyk H., Pushak Y., Martyniuk V. Organizational-Economic Measures and Tools for the Multifunctional Use of Aquaculture Facilities in Ukraine. Economics. Ecology. Socium 2023, 7, 54-71.


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