International Workshop on “Policy Recommendations for Boosting Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region”

🇪🇺 International Workshop on “Policy Recommendations for Boosting Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region”

⌚️Date: 19/03/2024

🧐Location: Brussels, Belgium



The Common Maritime Agenda (CMA) for the Black Sea is a sea basin initiative to enhance regional cooperation for achieving a sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea. It is developed in the broader framework of the Black Sea Synergy.
The CMA for the Black Sea recognises the need for coordinated approach to address common maritime and blue economy challenges. It is the first initiative of its kind in the region, resulting from a bottom-up process initiated by the countries involved and backed by the European Commission.
CMA for the Black Sea is a unique cooperation framework for the Blue Economy, reinforcing regional dialogue between participating countries and stakeholders to jointly address the challenges and opportunities of blue economy sectors in the area, ensuring environmental sustainability while fostering growth and promoting blue economy projects.
The CMA is complemented by its scientific pillar, the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Black Sea (SRIA), that provides valuable inputs for science-based decision-making. With the CMA, the Black Sea region joins the rest of the EU sea basins initiatives in setting a basin-wide initiative for more sustainable, economic growth based on the sustainable use of maritime and marine sectors.
As part of the initiatives that are willing to support and promote Sustainable Development in the Black Sea area under the frame of the Common Maritime
Agenda for the Black Sea, in the EMFAF 2021 Call, CINEA selected for funding the 4BIZ Project.
The 4BIZ – Boosting Black Sea Blue Biz project aims to develop a collaboration framework that will bring together blue economy stakeholders in EU and eligible non-EU Black Sea countries to identify and tackle local capacity building needs to boost innovation, digitalization and investment in the Black Sea blue economy with the main focus on fisheries and aquaculture, coastal and maritime tourism and maritime transport.
The project is coordinated by the Black Sea Universities Network and brings together 9 partners directly involved in the implementation Consortium and 17 associated partners from Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Greece and France, including regional development agencies, chambers of commerce, innovative clusters, universities and support organizations.
The project is funded by the European Commission, through the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) program, and has a duration of 24 months.
The event aims to offer a framework for open discussions and debates in order to identify new directions to be followed for adjusting and improving regional initiatives, strategies and policies that could contribute to the improvement of innovation and entrepreneurial framework on Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region.
The event shall offer a platform for dialogue and exchange of opinions between members of the European Parliament, experts and decision makers from the European Commission and related agencies, entrepreneurs, innovative companies, start-ups and stakeholders as Business Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Universities, Professional Business Consultants, Local Authorities, Innovation Clusters and other similar.
Targeted audience
At the event, there will be invited members of the European Parliament, experts and decision makers from the European Commission and related agencies, entrepreneurs, representatives of innovative companies, start-ups and stakeholders as Business Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Universities, Professional Business Consultants, Local Authorities, Innovation Clusters and other similar.

Draft Program

March 19th , 2024
12:30 – 13:00 – Registration of the participants
13:00 – 13:30 – Opening Pannel
Marian-Jean MARINESCU, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the PPE-DE Group
Prof. Eden MAMUT, BSUN Secretary General, Presentation of the achievements and policy recommendations under the frame of the 4BIZ Project.
13:30 – 14:30 – Plenary Session on Policy Recommendations for Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region
Invited Speakers:
Wendy BONNE, Policy Officer of the European Commission, DG Research &Innovation, B4 Healthy Ocean & Seas Unit
Dilyara BAKHTIEVA, DG MARE, Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment
Q & A
14:30 – 15:00 – Proposals for Regional Initiatives and Projects on Blue Economy
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Sorin COSTREIE, President, Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA)
Gilles KITTEL, DG for Regional Policy and Urban Policy, Instrument for PreAccession, Enlargement Negotiations and EU Strategy for the Adriatic and
Ionian Region (EUSAIR) (TBC)
Matteo BOCCI, Senior Associate, Ecorys Brussels
Q & A
15:00 – Closure

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