EMD from September till October in the Black Sea region countries

🌊 Events within the framework of the European Maritime Day continue to take place in the countries of the Black Sea region.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following events:

🗓 11-09-23 – place – Constanta Romania, topic – «SKISRO – Educational/teaching staff training activity», format – physical, responsible – Mare Nostrum NGO.
🗓 02-10-23 – place – Romania Mangalia, South-East Region, topic – «Cultural and maritime heritage in Mangalia, format – Physical, responsible – AsociaÈ›ia CED România Centrul de Excelență prin Diversitate NGO
🗓 07-10-23 – place – Romania Constanta, topic – Black Sea biodiversity, format – Physical, responsible – “Ovidius” Highschool Public body
🗓 12-10-23 – place – Greece Athens, Greece ((To be confirmed)), topic – MARINEWIND: Co-creation Path to Awareness on Floating Offshore Wind Technology Systems (FOWTs), format – Physical, responsible – Q-PLAN International Advisors PC Private sector
🗓 18-10-23 – place – Bulgaria Varna, topic – Next generation blue skills for Black Sea’s sustainable future, format – Physical, responsible – Marine Cluster Bulgaria NGO
🗓 28-10-23 – place – Romania Constanta, topic – Romania Black Sea Action Day – Black Sea Race, format – Physical, responsible – Mare Nostrum NGO
Learn more: EMD In My Country events per date – 2023 http://surl.li/jxptq
Let’s remind that on the May, 25 COORDINATOR OF THE 4BIZ PROJECT TOOK PART IN THE CELEBRATION EUROPEAN MARITIME DAY 2023 IN 25UKRAINE https://4biz.bsun.org/?p=918

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