Black Sea Success Story: 4BIZ – Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region

Black Sea SMEs and start-ups face a lack of funding resources for investment and often have to deal with inflation, instability, and other vulnerabilities. In this context, investors are hesitant to develop projects in the region, which might prevent them from achieving the goals of the Common Maritime Agenda (CMA) for the Black Sea. Therefore, coordinated business support activities are needed.

The goal of the 4BIZ project supported by the EMFAF is to boost innovation, digitalization, and investment in the Black Sea blue economy by addressing local capacity building needs. The main beneficiaries of the project are Blue Economy Businesses active in the sectors of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal and Maritime Tourism and Maritime Transport from target regions in Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, and Georgia.

The project specifically interlinks with Goal II of the CMA: A competitive, innovative and sustainable blue economy for the Black Sea, although indirectly it supports all the other goals and related priorities.

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