The EcoScope Summer School titled ‘Oceanography & Fisheries

Organised by the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), and Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (DUTH), the EcoScope Summer School titled ‘Oceanography & Fisheries.

Where? in Kavala, Greece

When? between 25th – 29th September 2023.

This free-to-attend summer school will focus on encouraging scientific dialogue and providing an educational experience on the topic of oceanography and fisheries ecosystems. The programme has been designed to facilitate the education of early career oceanographers, marine and fisheries biologists, young researchers, PhD students, and professionals on managing available marine environmental, oceanographic, and fisheries data, with the goal of providing accessible information to relevant end-users and policymakers.

During the programme, early-career scientists will have the opportunity to learn about all stages of Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management in the context of connecting fisheries to oceanography for the sustainable Blue Growth of all EU Seas.

To apply, candidates must submit their CV (using the Europass CV template) and a brief letter of motivation to the Summer School Secretariat ( & by 31 May 2023.


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