European Blue Forum

New European Blue Forum offers maritime stakeholders a possibility to join the Blue Forum Community

Stakeholders from public authorities, private sector, scientific institutions, academia, civil society organisations and private individuals – all users of the sea – now have the possibility to join European Blue Forum and become part of the community to shape the future of the Sustainable Blue Economy in the EU.

The European Blue Forum is a space for like-minded individuals and entities to discuss shared challenges and work together to make a difference for the health and prosperity of our oceans. It is to help find consensus, synergies and solutions for a common vision for the sustainable development of maritime activities.

The European Blue Forum is officially launching on 26 May 2023 in Brest, France, at the occasion of the European Maritime Day 2023.

Members of the Forum will participate in meetings and workshops to influence structure and direction. The Forum is built around the principles of flexibility and inclusivity to meet current and future needs, representativeness and equality amongst its members, and creation of space for proactive debate and dialogue for its participants.

Read more on the European Blue Forum and register to join other operators, stakeholders and scientists engaged in fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, tourism, renewable energy and other activities to develop synergies and reconcile competing uses of the sea. The forum is established by the European Commission as part of its Communication to the European Parliament on ‘a new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU – Transforming the EU’s Blue Economy for a Sustainable Future’


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