Ukraine’s regulatory framework for the Blue Economy

Implementation of the concept and functioning of the blue economy requires a regulatory framework. That is why the representatives of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute learned how the main spheres of the blue economy of Ukraine are regulated.

As part of the 4BIZ project, the team of researchers at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has conducted an analytical study on the development of Ukraine’s Black Sea region in relation to the Blue Economy. The study focused on the following three sectors:   

1. Fisheries and aquaculture

2. Maritime transport.

3. Coastal and maritime tourism.

The study covered two regions in Southern Ukraine – the Odesa and Mykolaiv oblasts, and it involved an analysis of the country’s regulatory framework in each of the target sectors.

[Photo 2. Caption: target regions of the study. Source: Ukraine country report developed for the 4BIZ project]

FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE: In line with Ukraine’s commitments to the implementation of the European Union – Ukraine Association Agreement, in 2022 the State Fisheries Agency of Ukraine released the State Strategy for the Development of the Fisheries Sector until 2030. This Strategy outlines the roadmap for reforming the fisheries industry in a medium-term perspective, and provides a clear vector of development – i.e. stocking water bodies with fish. The process of reforming the Ukrainian fisheries sector involved significant updates to the sector’s legislative framework, which, to some extent, contributed to the revitalization of business interests in the area of Ukraine’s aquaculture.

[Photo 3. Caption: The catch of fish from the Black Sea in Ukraine in 2019. Source: Ukraine country report developed for the 4BIZ project; copied from original image at]

MARITIME TRANSPORT: The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a Decree guiding the implementation of EU regulations and directives relating to international maritime and inland waterway transport. The State Standards of Ukraine are being brought in line with the EU standards.

COASTAL AND MARITIME TOURISM: One of the internationally recognized objective indicators of a country’s competitiveness is the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index. In Overall Rankings of the T&T Competitiveness Index for 2019, Ukraine ranked 78th among 140 countries of the world.

In 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a Decree “On the approval of the Action Plan to support the cultural sphere, protect cultural heritage, develop creative industries and tourism”, which is aimed, in part, at advancing the tourism industry and preserving nature locations for eco-tourism.     

The Development Plans for the Odesa and Mykolaiv oblasts include goals to reduce energy consumption by improving energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewable energy, and cutting СО2 emissions. These measures are crucial for the development of the Blue Economy, including green tourism

All in all, the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’s analysis of Ukraine’s regulatory framework has shown that, presently, the country is actively working on the implementation the provisions, directives, standards and regulations of the European Union in the sectors of fisheries, tourism, and maritime transport, which facilitates the widespread adoption of the Blue Economy principles in the Black Sea region of Ukraine.

*This Project has received funding from the European Union’s European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) under Grant Agreement 101077576.

**Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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